Blame Game!
4 min readApr 14, 2024
Photo: Maria Orlova on pexels

The Sunday Feed

William Shakespeare once said that doubts are traitors that stop us from achieving many giant feats. While some garner all the strength and enthusiasm and get started but give up very easily. At the first signs of resistance, they drop all their ambitions and run.

Here are 20 common things people often blame for failure and how we can overcome it:

External circumstances: People often blame external factors such as the economy, weather, or market conditions for their failures.

Everyone has to work with External circumstances, and you are no exemption.

Lack of resources: A common excuse is blaming a lack of resources, whether it’s time, money, or support from others.

All the big business that you see today had the same barrier when they started.

Bad luck: Many attribute failure to simple bad luck, feeling that circumstances were beyond their control.

You should consider yourself lucky for being alive, so stop calling yourself unlucky.

Other people’s actions: Sometimes, individuals blame the actions or decisions of others for their own failures.

Other people have no obligation to you so stop expecting anything from them.

Incompetence of others: Blaming the incompetence or negligence of others is another common excuse for failure.

It is your job to direct and control others if they work for you

Lack of opportunity: Some people blame a lack of opportunities for their failures, feeling that they never had a fair chance to succeed.

Yes, to an extent this is true. So, hover around places that can give you an opportunity. To become big, you have to move to a big city, a small town will have limitations.

Personal limitations: Individuals may blame their own limitations, such as lack of talent, intelligence, or skill, for their failures.

This is an excuse for not working hard enough to develop yourself.

Fear of failure: Fear of failure can lead people to blame their lack of success on their own hesitations or inability to take risks.

This will always be there. The best way to overcome it is by trying again and again. Sometimes, bowlers do not get a single wicket on a day. Yet, they come back the next day.

Procrastination: People often blame procrastination for their failures, feeling that they didn’t take action soon enough or with enough urgency.

A mission without a deadline is wishful thinking!

Poor planning: Failure to plan effectively is a common reason for failure, and many people blame their lack of foresight or preparation.

Things change very fast. So, stop overplanning and be flexible.

Distractions: External distractions or lack of focus can lead to failure, and individuals may blame these distractions for their lack of success.

In the world of Social Media, this aspect needs to be worked on. There is no other way.

Lack of motivation: Sometimes, people blame their own lack of motivation or drive for their failures.

Watch motivational videos.

Burnout: Burnout can lead to decreased productivity and eventual failure, and individuals may blame burnout for their lack of success.

Eat healthy. Keep your stomach clean. You will feel very energetic.

Unexpected events: Unexpected events or emergencies can derail plans and lead to failure, and people may blame these unforeseen circumstances.

Get real!. Life does not always works according to our whims and fancies.

Health issues: Physical or mental health problems can impact performance and lead to failure, and individuals may blame their health issues for their lack of success.

Know your tolerance levels. There is nothing more important than mental health.

External criticism: Negative feedback or criticism from others can affect confidence and performance, and people may blame external criticism for their failures.

People will talk. Some when you succeed and some on your failure.

Previous failures: Past failures can create self-doubt and fear of repeating the same mistakes, leading individuals to blame their previous failures for their current lack of success.

Learn from the past but don’t hold it against your future ambitions.

Overcommitment: Taking on too many responsibilities can lead to failure, and individuals may blame their overcommitment for their inability to succeed.

Know your potential and plan beforehand.

Lack of support: Some people blame a lack of support from friends, family, or colleagues for their failures.

No one was meant to support you so stop victimization.

Self-sabotage: Finally, individuals may engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that lead to failure, and they may ultimately blame themselves for their lack of success.

Get busy. The less we talk to ourselves, the better.

John Khalkho: CEO — Dolores Recruitment

