4 min readMay 28, 2023


Photo: Pramod Tiwari on pexels

The Sunday Feed

Twitter is a popular social media platform used by a wide range of individuals and groups. Here are some categories of users who commonly utilize Twitter:

1. Individuals: People from all walks of life use Twitter, including celebrities, politicians, journalists, professionals, activists, and general users who want to connect with others, share their thoughts, or follow their interests.

2. Celebrities and Public Figures: Many celebrities, actors, musicians, athletes, and public figures maintain active Twitter accounts to engage with their fans, share updates, and promote their work.

3. Journalists and Media Outlets: Twitter is frequently used by journalists, reporters, and media organizations to break news, share stories, and interact with their audience. It has become a valuable platform for real-time information dissemination.

4. Politicians and Government Officials: Twitter has become a significant communication tool for politicians and government officials to connect with constituents, make announcements, share policy positions, and engage in public discourse.

5. Businesses and Brands: Companies, brands, and organizations use Twitter to promote their products or services, interact with customers, handle customer support queries, and share company updates.

6. Activists and Advocacy Groups: Twitter is often utilized by activists, advocacy groups, and non-profit organizations to raise awareness about social issues, rally support, and mobilize communities for various causes.

7. Professionals and Experts: Many professionals, such as academics, researchers, scientists, and industry experts, use Twitter to share their knowledge, engage in discussions, and network with peers.

8. Everyday Users: Twitter is also popular among everyday users who want to connect with friends, follow their interests, share personal updates, or engage in conversations on a variety of topics.

Instagram is a widely popular social media platform that attracts a diverse range of users. Here are some categories of users who commonly utilize Instagram:

1. Individuals: People from various age groups, backgrounds, and interests use Instagram as a platform to share their personal photos, videos, and stories with friends and followers.

2. Celebrities and Influencers: Instagram is heavily used by celebrities, influencers, and public figures to connect with their fan base, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, promote their work, and collaborate with brands.

3. Businesses and Brands: Many businesses, ranging from small local shops to large multinational companies, maintain an Instagram presence. They use the platform to showcase their products or services, run advertising campaigns, engage with customers, and build brand awareness.

4. Content Creators: Instagram provides a platform for content creators such as photographers, artists, designers, musicians, and writers to showcase their creative work, gain exposure, and connect with a wider audience.

5. Travelers and Lifestyle Enthusiasts: Instagram is popular among travelers and individuals interested in lifestyle-related content. People use the platform to share their travel experiences, explore new destinations, discover food and fashion trends, and find inspiration.

6. Photographers and Visual Artists: Instagram’s emphasis on visual content makes it an ideal platform for photographers, videographers, and visual artists to showcase their portfolios, share their work, and connect with a creative community.

7. Fitness and Wellness Professionals: Many fitness trainers, wellness coaches, and health enthusiasts use Instagram to share workout routines, healthy recipes, wellness tips, and motivate their followers to lead a healthy lifestyle.

8. Non-Profit Organizations and Activists: Instagram serves as a platform for non-profit organizations and activists to raise awareness about social causes, share stories, and rally support for their missions.

9. Friends and Family: Instagram is also used by individuals to stay connected with friends and family members, share personal moments, and engage in private messaging.

Facebook understands that while Instagram is targeted towards teens and young adults, Twitter definitely is a platform used more buy mature adults specifically to evoke responses on provocative issues and start a debate.

Why would Facebook then launch a platform that is a clone of Twitter?

There could be several reasons but the one that comes to mind is that Instagram has an audience of 300 million comprising of celebrities influences and other normal users.

So, technically for Facebook it is easy to use an existing customer base of Instagram rather than launch a completely new platform.

Now understanding the strategy of Facebook through the eyes of a sportsperson.

Let’s look at the game of cricket. Today it has 3 versions: The Test Match, One-Day and 20:20!

Test cricket is the classic version of the game which is played over 5 days where both the teams get a chance to bat and bowl twice in 5 days without any restriction on the number of overs a bowler can bowl.

The second version is the one-day cricket where both the teams play just one innings and they have time of 50 overs to display their batting and 50 overs to display their bowling skills. The game is completed in a day.

The latest version, 20:20 cricket is now seen as most popular. The reason being that it is very dynamic in nature and they can retain the viewer’s attention throughout the game.

Facebook to me resembles Test match version where people will have their posts which will be for a very long time to come.

Instagram on the other hand appears more like a one-day game where the pictures or the reels will gather a lot of attention, but their shelf life will be shorter.

This then leaves space for Facebook to bring in a 20:20 version of social media where the entertainment starts from the first over and last still the final over is bowled.

The Twitter version of Instagram let’s call it Insta-Tweet will be targeted mainly to the politicians and activists. Facebook has understood that elections in many countries are not won by mandates, but the money spend on campaigning.

And to run a social media platform in a profitable way it is as important to generate revenues as it is to make it engaging to the audience.

John Khalkho: CEO — Dolores Education

