Keep the Fire burning!
3 min readApr 30, 2023


photo: Luke Webb on pexels

The Sunday Feed!

There are many things that go into making a successful organization. The 3 most important things being:

1: Vision: What would you like to do as long as you are in business

2: Mission: Your 2–3-year objective

3: The Objective: What would you want to achieve in a year.

While all this might not be easily understood by all the employees in your organization, if you look at it from the other way, you cannot deny that each and every employee contributes to it according to their capacity.

A good businessman or a businesswoman understands that it is not the machinery, finance or even technology that build the company. It is the people who work in it.

Every employee’s primary goal is to make a living by doing the job. But this is a partial truth because they all want to contribute to the growth of the company.

When the management fails to understand this hidden urge of the employee then there is a disconnect at a deeper level.

So, let’s look at some ways in which we can increase the salience with our staff:

1: Offer meaningful incentives

Money isn’t everything, but it’s an effective motivator. Offer bonuses, salary raises, and other meaningful incentives to employees who consistently perform well.

2: Provide opportunities for growth and development

Offer employees opportunities for professional growth and development through training, education, and workshops. This can motivate employees to develop new skills and take on new challenges.

3: Recognize and reward outstanding performance

Recognize and reward employees who consistently perform at a high level. This can be done through verbal praise, public acknowledgment, or even small rewards like gift cards or extra vacation days.

4: Create a positive work environment

A positive work environment can make a huge difference in employee motivation. Ensure that your employees feel valued, supported, and respected.

5: Encourage teamwork and collaboration

Encourage teamwork and collaboration by fostering a culture of openness and communication. Encourage employees to work together and share ideas.

6: Provide regular feedback

Provide employees with regular feedback on their performance, both positive and constructive. This can help employees feel valued and help them improve their skills.

7: Offer flexible work arrangements

Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible schedules, can help employees maintain a better work-life balance and improve motivation.

8: Provide challenging work assignments

Provide employees with challenging work assignments that are within their skillset but require them to push their limits. This can help them grow and develop professionally.

9: Foster a sense of purpose

Connect employees to the purpose and mission of the organization. Help them understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the company.

10: Lead by example

Finally, lead by example. Show your employees that you are passionate about the work you do and committed to the success of the company. This can inspire your employees and motivate them to do their best work.

While all this might sound good on paper, it is not always easy to implement all of them, all the time. So is there a way in which you can make up for it or fill in the gaps.

The best way is talk to them once or twice a week. There is nothing better that talking to people directly. And if the working staff is remotely located, you can use the technology.

And when I say talk to them I don’t mean just talk, smile, laugh, cry and take oaths. Make promises to overcome all the hurdles to become the best company!

John Khalkho: CEO — Dolores Education

