Pillars of success

4 min readMar 31, 2024
Photo: Andrea Neel on pexels

The Sunday Feed

There are 2 ways to outdo the competition. One you take them head on. Or you use the Trojan horse strategy to infiltrate and defeat the competition from within.

However, there is a 3rd pathway which is also very effective, and it is called the weakest link strategy. The philosophy in which you identify the weak point of the competition and break it so that the competition is too busy recovering rather than attacking back.

While this might all sound very simple and straight forward, what most people do not realize is that when they set out on a mission, they are facing 2 kinds of competition. One which is attacking them from outside and the other that is attacking them from within — your inertia.

People are often defeated by the attack from within. So, to prevent this from happening, it is important to first identify the 4 pillars, understand them and make them shock-proof.

1. Enthusiasm

Refers to a strong and intense excitement, eagerness, or passion for something. When someone is enthusiastic about a particular activity, interest, goal, or idea, they demonstrate enthusiasm through their energetic attitude, positive demeanour, and willingness to invest time and effort into it.

Enthusiasm often propels individuals to pursue their interests wholeheartedly and can be contagious, inspiring others around them. It’s a powerful emotion that fuels motivation and drive, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction in various aspects of life.

2. Focus

The ability to direct one’s attention, energy, and concentration towards a specific task, goal, or objective, while excluding distractions or irrelevant information. When someone is focused, they devote their mental and physical resources to the task at hand, often achieving higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

Focus involves clarity of purpose, the ability to prioritize, and maintaining attention despite potential distractions. It’s a crucial skill in achieving success and productivity in various areas of life, including work, study, sports, and personal development.

3. Persistence

Refers to the quality of continuing to pursue a goal or course of action despite facing challenges, setbacks, or obstacles. It involves determination, resilience, and a willingness to keep striving towards achieving an objective, even in the face of adversity or difficulties.

Persistent individuals display perseverance and tenacity, refusing to give up easily when confronted with hurdles or failures. They maintain their focus and motivation over time, adjusting their strategies as needed while remaining committed to their ultimate goal.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI), also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ), refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and express emotions effectively, both in oneself and in others. It encompasses a range of skills related to emotional awareness, empathy, interpersonal relationships, and self-regulation.

Key components of emotional intelligence include:

Self-awareness: The ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, including strengths, weaknesses, values, and motives.

Self-regulation: The capacity to manage and control one’s emotions, impulses, and reactions in various situations, especially under stress or pressure.

Social awareness: The skill to perceive and understand the emotions, needs, and perspectives of others, fostering empathy and building rapport.

Relationship management: The ability to establish and maintain healthy and productive relationships with others, including effective communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork.

But what we need to remember is that they do not act in isolation. Often, more than one variable will be in play. So, a good understanding of the dynamics will go a long way in helping our intention to not allow cracks to develop.

Enthusiasm and Focus:

Enthusiasm fuels focus by providing the initial motivation and energy needed to start a task or pursue a goal.

Focus channels enthusiasm into productive action, allowing individuals to direct their energy and attention towards achieving objectives.

Enthusiasm helps maintain focus over time, as individuals remain engaged and passionate about their pursuits, reducing the likelihood of distraction or boredom.

Focus and Persistence:

Focus is essential for persistence, as it enables individuals to maintain their attention on long-term goals despite encountering obstacles or setbacks.

Persistent individuals use focus to break down their goals into manageable tasks, prioritizing actions that contribute most effectively to their objectives.

Focus helps individuals stay committed to their goals, even when faced with challenges, by providing clarity and direction on what needs to be done next.

Persistence and Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence supports persistence by helping individuals regulate their emotions in the face of difficulties, allowing them to stay resilient and motivated.

Persistent individuals with high emotional intelligence are better able to manage setbacks, setbacks, and failures constructively, learning from them rather than being overwhelmed by negative emotions.

Emotional intelligence enhances self-awareness, enabling individuals to recognize when persistence is necessary and when it may be more beneficial to reassess or change strategies.

Enthusiasm and Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence helps individuals harness their enthusiasm effectively by enabling them to recognize and manage the emotions associated with excitement and passion.

Enthusiasm tempered with emotional intelligence allows individuals to maintain a balanced perspective, avoiding impulsivity or recklessness in pursuing goals.

Emotional intelligence enhances interpersonal relationships, allowing enthusiastic individuals to communicate their passion effectively and inspire others while also being attuned to the emotional needs and responses of those around them.

Stay Strong. Stay focussed. Your time will come!

John Khalkho: CEO — Dolores Recruitment

