4 min readJul 18, 2021


The Sunday Feed

Standard Deviation

Does the child still haunt you or has it struck a chord of peace. Well, if you ever had a dream to do something when you were a child, you would have understood what I meant.

We all start with an innocent dream, thinking that we have the power to be whatever we want to be in life and do whatever we want. But then as we grow, reality starts to creep in and we all suffer from the worst pandemic the world has ever experienced. It is called “security.”

We slowly start to understand that the real meaning of life is not to live but to survive and to do that it is always better to take the path that provides safety in the form of a regular-revenue, no matter how far we need to deviate from the passion and the dreams.

There is nothing wrong in it because, everyone has the right to make decisions that they think is the best for them except that when they have achieved all they set out for in terms of securing their lives, the child comes to life again. In fact it gets more and more dominant when we see other people doing all that we thought we would do when we grow up.

All great achievers believe in one thing and that the best time to start something in right now! Yes you heard that right. In fact I’ll be happy if you were to just quit reading any further and start what you have always wanted to even if it were to watch a YouTube video to get some basic knowledge on the subject matter.

I think that the team of “Monty Python” was a bunch of geniuses that communicated several eye-opening things in a funny way. Even the fact that they choose to make it a comedy was a stroke of genius because laughter has the highest level of engagement with the audience.

Speaking of Monty Python, if you have seen, “The life of Brian”, there is a shot in the end showing some of the lead characters on the cross! However, the director creates space for comedy in tragedy and drops in a song, “Always look on the bright side of life.” You see all the people on the cross singing along!

The analogy is to make you and me understand that it is no point cursing ourselves by saying that we could have made different decisions. Those days are long gone and we are not going to get them back. However, what we can do is like I said, start again from where we left. Start right now!

As much as I refrain about writing about myself in the articles, I am forced to because I cannot be talking in the air. When I was a child, the radio would always be on. I knew all the songs and I was fully aware that I could sing pretty well. I wanted to be a singer. But then, reality checked in and the child disappeared.

Many years passed by, however, around 2014, it reappeared and started asking me a question as to why did I abandon him? I knew the only way to be at peace was to start where I left. I had been learning the guitar on and off for many years but in 2015, I took some serious one-on-one classes for about 8 months and then never looked back. I started writing and composing songs. More so, I started to learn music production. I learnt everything online with paid classes rather than just surfing free YouTube videos because when someone puts a course together, it is well -structured and progressive in nature.

Today, I have 28 songs, all professionally recorded and released. 4 of them have achieved more than 100K views. But what is more important is that I am at peace with the child. I put in 2–3 hours of work everyday and I can see considerable improvement in my output.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting myself but just trying to push the point that for those who have a strong will, when you start something, one door can lead to the other and before you realise, you would have made considerable progress. So if you ever wanted to become a fashion designer, have your own business, write a book, the time to do it is now.

“Udemy” is a good website where you can browse a lot of small courses to begin with. They are not heavy on the wallet. Once you feel you have the knowledge and are ready to fly, you can start doing what you always wanted to do in full swing. If you can hold on for a year at least, there are more than 90% chances that you will be able to do it for the rest of your life and be at peace with the child. Your time to deviate back to your passion has arrived! And if I have inspired you, feel free to write back, I will be pleased to hear from you!

Photo by Lucas Pezeta

