
3 min readDec 12, 2021

The Sunday Feed

Ideology: Is it time to abandon them?

Evolution is a continuous process and whether we like it or not, we have to adapt with it. We either change or get lost in the oblivion. It is good to alter your appearance but the real change has to happen from within.

Jordan Peterson in his book “12 rules of life” very beautifully explains what we need to do to keep up with the times. While I found many of them to be old goods in a new package, one managed to strike me hard.

He says that we need to abandon ideology. I think he has a point because it is this very belief of protecting your ideology that makes a monster of an otherwise docile teddy. If it’s a free world, then everyone has a right to decide what is right or wrong.

Let’s take a look at what are the most famous ideologies:

1. Marxism: Society should not have any class

2. Fascism: Government led by a dictator

3. Conservatism: Belief in tradition and values

4. Socialism: Workers own everything

5. Feminism: Giving equal rights to women

6. Ethnocentrism: Promoting one’s own ethnic group

7. Postmodernism: Believing more on science

8. Environmentalist: Protecting the environment

9. Vegan: Saving animals by eating plants

10. Gender Studies: Study of male, female and LGBT

They say the world is around 4.5 billion years old. I would reckon that if we debate for another 5 billion years, we cannot unanimously agree that out of all the ideologies mentioned above, we need to keep some and abandon the rest.

Every ideology has a place in the society and is relevant at a certain time. As times change so do we need to change or give up the ideology because it might not make sense any more!

The most fatal mistake people make is that they think that they have to choose one and vehemently oppose every other. Nothing can be further from the truth.

In fact this is the biggest mistake people make because by doing this they expose their weakness. They show the world that they blindly follow certain principles and even a person with half a brain can exploit them if they glorify their beliefs! Logic can commit harakiri!

I have often seen vegans saying that everyone in the world should become vegans. I think in terms of probability there are more chances of me winning the lottery 5 times in a row than all meat lovers giving up meat.

It is very easy to say that society should not have any class. Try to convince all the rich to give away their wealth to eradicate the class divide so that we can all be equal.

There can be nothing more wrong than promoting ethnicity. We all come from different backgrounds and should celebrate who we are. But not giving employment to someone just because he/she belongs to a different ethnic group is out right rude and racist.

It is good to think about the environment but how many of these so called environmentalists have truly given up all the goods and services that are not environmental friendly. To begin with they will have to give up internet because the transmission of electro-magnetic waves have caused more harm to the environment than anything else.

Will the vegans take up responsibility of growing plants and vegetables on lands where even drinking water is hard to find? Will they compensate for all the jobs that will be lost if animal farms get banned?

The truth is that as the population of the world grows, so does the size of these clusters of ideologies. Some will grow faster than the others but we will never have a society that belongs to just one or two.

Many more innocent lives will be lost in a protest organised by the leaders who have an agenda of growing their fan following and care less for the environment or people.

It is time people understand that everything has a time and place and if it is not relevant anymore, you don’t need to follow it just because you committed to it in the past. The world is continuously changing and so should you.

Will conclude with a meme, “Everyone has a brain, I hope they use it.”

Photo: Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels

