What you see is what you get!

3 min readNov 12, 2022


photo: Mahdi Chagari on pexels

The Sunday Feed

The way you do something is the way you do everything. This means that if you do not know how to dress decently, I can freely assume that you will be poor in performing many other deeds as well.

Try as much as you can but you cannot change my mind. And it is not just the people who seem to dress badly nowadays, even the brands sell clothes that even a homeless person would reject.

While I am not a gender biased person, men defeat women in this race by far. Most ladies put a lot of thought and effort to present themselves nicely.

Here are some reasons I can collaborate why people do what they do. Dress Badly!

1. No awareness about style

It is surprising that every school or college teaches you heaps of subjects of which 99% you never use. However, the most basic lessons of how to be stylish in this competitive world is never taught.

Most people think that when they go for interview, the interviewer is looking at their CV. Make no mistake, that filter has already been applied and that’s why you are sitting in the interview room. They are seeing how you present yourself. What is your style.

2. Overweight

It is not surprising to see nowadays that not just adults but even a huge number of children suffer from obesity. And when you are obese, you lack the motivation for trying out good clothes.

I am by no way suggesting that only a slim person looks good in a proper outfit but the options for people who have extra calories is inversely proportional to their choices. Yes, you can-do custom-made clothing but that will take a lot of effort.

3. Work from Home

Well, if you are working from home, there is no need to dress up. A plain shirt or a t-shirt will suffice. And why would you want to buy new clothes when you have still not used the clothes you bought before COVID.

Everything has a time and when the time is over, you need to change. It was ok to dress like that when you were working from home. But for the love of God, go to office for a few days and get some style in your life.

4. Not enough money

A lot of people associate style with brands which is completely wrong. Style is all about picking the right clothes for the right occasion and using your creativity to embellish yourself with little accessories. It’s an interplay of fit, fashion and fabric.

You can be the best dressed man or a woman in a party by spending less that $150 and this includes shoes as well. Or, you can commit the crime of not respecting yourself and putting on clothes that say nothing about you or your personality.

5. I don’t care attitude

Yes, it is fine if you decide to not wear any clothes if your are sitting at home in your private space. But when you come out of the house, it is public space. The moral and ethical codes apply as much as the legal codes.

A lot of passengers who get treated badly at airports do not understand that the way you dress makes a huge impression on the airline staff. The crew adorn themselves in beautifully designed uniforms and perfumes to make your journey enjoyable. But if you turn up like a beggar, why should they treat you with respect.

6. No one dresses up nowadays

Yes, there are a lot of things that should not be happening, but we still need to do what is right. The war in Ukraine should not have happened, Climate should not have changed, Interest rates should not have risen.

Things will change and we need to live with it. Since our childhood, we have been eating 3–4 meals a day. Nothing has stopped us so why should peoples cavalier attitude towards dressing affect you as a person?

Change is not very difficult. It is about having a mindset to make the change. Don’t wait for us to put on your best suit on you when you are done and ready to be dusted. Go and make the most of it while you still can! And post some selfies to make us proud!

John Khalkho — CEO: Dolores Education



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